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Welcome to Emerald City!

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

Video-call with our partners in India

Following our projects with Bharti Public School in Delhi (India),

Year 6B had their first video-call with their partners there last Wednesday August 5th.

Click here to read some post-call comments by our students: http://es.padlet.com/lauragiancarlo/5sporxsr91oq

This is what Rishika (one of our Indian partners) wrote about their experience speaking with us on skype:

 More to come as we are working on a project about our everyday life in Argentina and in India.

Year 5 has been doing some research on interesting animals. Here is Martina and Juan's work. Good job!! :-) 

The Red Panda

Type of animal: 
It is a mammal and carnivore animal.

The red panda is form Eastern Himalayas and South-western China.

It likes eating bamboo and it likes grubs from trees.

It's got red hair and short feet. It is a nocturnal animal.

Name:The Komodo Dragon

Type of animal: it´s a wild animal. It is an alligator. It´s big (three metres and 70 kilos). It´s green and brown

Habitat:tropical forest

Likes: eating carrion and animals.

A theatre company in our school!
On July 13th, H&H theatre company came to our school to perform the play "Invasiones live".  In our English lessons we had been preparing the event with some research about the history of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata in 1806 and 1807. Students in Year 6 and 7 solved a quiz afterwards and -apart from practicing the Simple Past tense and some new vocabulary- they analyzed and discussed some issues such as colonialism and slavery (in the past and now), free commerce, different points of view on historical events, the strategy of ridiculing your opponent, etc... 
 We had a lot of fun during the play. The actors were fantastic!

Quiz: Who are they? (by Year 7)
Students at Year 7 have been working of descriptions of people. Some of them created this quiz where you have to match the descriptions with a picture. Can you solve it? (Click on the link below)

More guests from the UK!
Ms Jane Massy came to visit us on May 27th. She is from the UK. The kids in Year 6 "A" and "B" talked with her about our intercultural projects in “Connecting Classrooms”. They had a nice time answering her questions and showing her some of their work.