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viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013


Year 7

Year 7 students start working in the "Identity and Belonging" project with the "Connecting Classrooms" programme by the British Council and Fundación Evolución.

 Exploring who we are

Monday May 6th………. DAY 1
- In ten seconds, students think of one to three words that best answer the question: Who are you?

- Students watch the video (Song: Who I am) and choose one character..
On this blog you can see some of the work students do in their English classes at "Provincia de Misiones" school (Esc 9 DE 18). Our school is in Monte Castro, in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Kids here have lessons from 8.20am to 4.10pm. They learn two foreign languages: Portuguese (Years 1 to 7) and English (Years 4 to 7).
You can also visit our school website (in Spanish): http://escuelamisiones.wix.com/escuela-misiones
For this school year 2013, the English teachers at our school are: Laura (Years 5, 6B & 7Low) & Mónica (Years 4, 6A & 7High)
Enjoy our blog!